Gypsy Woman (floral landscape)

Gypsy Woman (floral landscape)
29 x 47 in. Oil on Plywood

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Define who you are! Make every effort to educate others on what you and your art are all about. Do all you can to clarify your message. You and your art are unique on the entire planet! Act like it.. live like it.. speak like it! Let everyone know (in a kind respectful way) that YOU and YOUR ART are Special! Do not allow the words or actions of others to define you. No! Speak Out! Speak Up! Be Bold! Be Nice.. but Be Bold! Have courage to advance your Cause, your Dreams, your Name! Get it out there every way possible. It's Your Life, Your Destiny! Your Future! Press Forward in Power and Authority... for Your Good Name and the Glory of God! (Gal. 6:14)

Monday, July 19, 2010


Our hearts continue to pump, hair and nails keep on growing, we blink, breathe and sweat all without our conscious input but we must choose to exercise, decide to stay healthy and fit. Inspiration seems to be the issue. That's where the stimulation art provides comes in like a flood! You've heard the term "Art Work" well, the operative word is Work! My approach to the creative process it extremely demanding, I work ten - twelve hours a day seven days a week, so being in strong physical condition is of utmost importance or i simply won't have the stamina to Make More Art! Not only do I need to be at the top of my game emotionally and psychologically but healthy in every way. soooo ... Excuse me ... but I have to go work out now! (wink)

Friday, July 2, 2010


Funny how some art seems 2 B "Hip" while other works get the "Wall Flower" designation. So what's it take to be hip? Andy Warhol would certainly be one to ask. But alas he's dead! soooo as I see it (see it... get it?) if you create art from your heart... from the passion brewing in the deepest parts you can't help but be cool & cutting edge.. ie. Hip! At least you can know it is honest and real... maybe even strong and inspiring.. maybe. But to be really HIP!?? Well, the only solution or answer I know is to simply Make More Art!! Then if it's in ya it will come out... eventually! And Yes, that's exactly what I'm gonna do right now! Make More Art!!!
ooooo I feel soooo HIP!!